ESO, 2nd

Grammar. Present Perfect. Review

Summer homework

For those who have to come back in September, it´s compulsory
to bring the workbook: Hoilday Oxford 2 ESO.

If you have passed he subject but you feel like revising, please, feel free to do it as well.
And listen to English as much as you can. Enjoy!!!
Unit 1:
Adverbs of frequency
1   Match 1–7 with a–h.
                                             _______ a occasionally
1                                           _______ b always
2                                           _______ c hardly ever
3                                           _______ d not often
4                                           _______ e never
5                                           _______ f often
6                                           _______ g sometimes
7                                           _______ h usually
2   Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs of frequency.
     We go to the park on Saturdays. (usually)
     We usually go to the park on Saturdays.
1   He takes his mobile phone to work. (often)
__ _________________________________________
__ _________________________________________
2   The traffic is bad in the morning. (occasionally)
__ _________________________________________
__ _________________________________________
3   I ride my bike to school. (not often)
__ _________________________________________
__ _________________________________________
4   I’m late for school. (hardly ever)
__ _________________________________________
5   I’ve got a lot of money. (never)
__ _________________________________________
Present simple: affirmative and negative
3   Tick (ü) the correct third person forms.
     carries            Cuadro de texto: ü
1   needs                        7   gos            
2   finishs                        8   works         
3   watches                     9   studys        
4   likees                       10   loses          
5   wears                       11   uses           
6   changes                   12   hurries        

4   Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verbs.
1   My cousins ____________ (live) in Madrid.
2   Jessica ____________ (not like) swimming.
3   He ____________ (study) English and Spanish.
4   We ____________ (not walk) to school every day.
5   My father ____________ (teach) history at my school.
6   I ____________ (not do) my homework in the library.
7   She ____________ (go) to school by bus.
8   You ____________ (not watch) TV in the morning.
Present simple: questions
5   Write questions for the answers. Use a question word where necessary.
1_ ________________________________________ ?
     I get up at six o’clock.
2_ ________________________________________ ?
     No, she doesn’t go shopping with Kate. She goes with her sister.
3_ ________________________________________ ?
     They play tennis twice a week.
4_ ________________________________________ ?
     Yes, I do. I love hip hop music.
5_ ________________________________________ ?
     She lives near the park.
Verb + -ing
6   Complete the sentences. Use love, not mind or not like and the -ing form of the verbs.
1   Maria _______________________ (J play) the piano.
2   We _______________________ (K watch) sport on TV.
3   John _______________________ (J go) to the cinema.
4   My teacher _______________________ (L listen) to heavy metal music.
5   I _______________________ (K study) for exams.

Unit 2
Present continuous: affirmative and negative
1   Complete the text with the present continuous form of the verbs.
The friends are having (have) a good time on
holiday. Juan and Eva (1)
______________________ (sing). Jorge (2) ______________________ (play)
the guitar. Julio (3)
______________________ (make) some pizza and Rocio (4) ______________________ (chat) on the internet. Manuel and Alfonso
______________________ (carry) some food into the living room. Brais (6) ______________________ (talk) to his mum on his mobile. Miguel and Suso
______________________ (watch) a DVD. David and Julia (8) ______________________ (cycle) in the garden. Carmen (9) ______________________ (sit) on the sofa. She (10) ______________________ (read)
a book.
2   Write negative present continuous sentences.
1   Yolanda / not watch TV
__ _________________________________________
2   we / not run to school
__ _________________________________________
3   they / not sit in the garden
__ _________________________________________
4   Jim / not play volleyball
__ _________________________________________
5   I / not do my homework
__ _________________________________________
Present continuous: questions
3   Write present continuous questions.
     Judy and Montse are watching TV.
     What are they watching?
1   Look! Tom is running past the class.
     Why ____________________________________ ?
2   Simon is talking on the phone.
     Who _________________________________  to?

3   I’m writing an email.
     Who _________________________________  to?
4   Mum is cooking dinner in the kitchen.
     What ___________________________________ ?
5   Carlota and Jack are singing.
     What song ______________________________ ?
Present simple and present continuous
4   Correct the mistakes.
1   They have breakfast now.  û
__ _________________________________________
2   He is studying every evening.  û
__ _________________________________________
3   Look! Mum carries a lot of bags.  û
__ _________________________________________
4   We are often having picnics in August.  û
__ _________________________________________
5   I am usually singing in the shower.  û
__ _________________________________________
6   She make dinner at the moment.  û
__ _________________________________________

Unit 4:

Past continuous: affirmative and 
1 Yesterday Dan Daredevil was at a sport camp. 
Look at the information. Then write past 
continuous sentences. Use the verbs in the box. 
Sport camp 
2.00–2.30 p.m. 
2.30–3.00 p.m. 
3.00–4.00 p.m. 
4.00–4.30 p.m. 
1 At 2.15 p.m. he  ___________________________ . 
2 At 2.45 p.m. he  ___________________________ . 
3 At 3.15 p.m. he  ___________________________ . 
4 At 4.15 p.m. he  ___________________________ . 
2 Write negative past continuous sentences. 
1 Alex / go / school 
2 we / have / breakfast 
3 it / rain / this morning 
4 they / listen to / the teacher 
3 Correct the mistakes. 
1 Ana was do her homework.  8
2 We did writing emails yesterday.  8
3 They wasn’t chatting on the phone.  8
4 Mum were making lunch for us.  8
5 He didn’t having a shower at 7.30.  8
Past continuous: questions 
4 Order the words to make questions about 
yesterday. Then answer the questions. 
1 at 9 p.m. / were / your homework / you / doing / ? 
2 sleeping / were / at 10 p.m. / you / ? 
3 watching TV / at 8.30 p.m. / was / your family / ? 
4 doing / you / at 5 p.m. / what / were / ? 
Past simple and past continuous 
5 Tick (9) the correct sentence. 
1 a We were walking to the park when we  
saw our friends.  
 b We walked to the park when we were  
seeing our friends.  
2 a She swam in the river when she was  
cutting her foot.  
 b She was swimming in the river when  
she cut her foot.  
3 a I was doing my homework when the  
phone rang.  
 b I did my homework when the phone  
was ringing.  
4 a He was seeing the accident while he  
walked to school.  
 b He saw the accident while he was  
walking to school.  
5 a They were having dinner when I arrived.  
 b They had dinner when I was arriving.  

Unit 5:

y: can and could
1   Complete the dialogue with the correct form of can and could.
Sue   Jim, (1) _______________ you swim?
Jim   Yes, I can.
Sue   (2) _______________ you swim when you were seven?
Jim   Yes, I (3) _______________.
Sue   (4) _______________ you swim when you were five?
Jim   No, I (5) _______________.
Sue   (6) _______________ you play the guitar when you were seven?
Jim   No, and I (7) _______________ play it when I was five but I (8) _______________ play it now. I’m very good.
Questions with how

How far How fast How high
How long How many How much

2   Complete the questions with the words in the box. Then match questions 1–6 with answers

1   _______________ water have we got?           
2   _______________ students are in your class?
3   _______________ can a cheetah run?           
4   _______________ is it from London to
5   _______________ is the River Nile?              
6   _______________ is the Eiffel Tower?           

a   About 1,500 kilometres.
b   About 550 kilometres.
c   About 300 metres.
d   About two litres.
e   Seventy-five kilometres per hour.
f    There are about twenty-five, I think.

Comparative and superlative adjectives
3   Write the comparative form of the adjectives in the correct place in the table.

double consonant
+ -er
y + -ier
4   Complete the sentences with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives.
Science is more difficult than geography but maths is the most difficult. (difficult)
1   Mount Blanc is _______________________
the Matterhorn but Mount Everest is
_______________________ mountain. (high)
2   Meg is _______________________ Kate but Jim is _______________________. (short)
3   Scotland is _______________________ Wales but England is _______________________ country in the UK. (big)
4   Jan is _______________________ David but Simon is _______________________. (funny)
5   Sam is _______________________ Rosie but Jill is _______________________. (intelligent)
6   Manchester United is ______________________ Chelsea but Barcelona is _____________________ football team. (good)

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