Tuesday, 1 December 2015


After some days ( a lot, sorry guys), we are back to school. This year we have news and trips.... Some of you are travelling to IRELAND!!!!!. Not yet but, spring is going to be  green. The Emerald Island is waiting for you....
Resultado de imagen de fotos de bray y dublinResultado de imagen de fotos de bray y dublinResultado de imagen de fotos de bray y dublinResultado de imagen de fotos de bray y dublin

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Hello again!!!!

Hi boys and girls!!

I know it´s been a long time.....sorry!!!!

The third term is here, spring is here, Easter is over and...... we smell summer......

But, before going swimmnig, before saying bye to school and friends until september exams must be had, some projects must be written, our week will be celebrated in a few days,a graduation is going to be held, The big challenge is coming in may and more things..... Are you ready?
Resultado de imagen de imágenes de spring

Tuesday, 27 January 2015



1st of E.S.O students have just presented their projects about  “Celebrations in the U.K”. They have worked hard to finish everything  on time, and this is the result!

Thursday, 22 January 2015


Just something to remember....

Last term, some of you went to the theatre, Forum Theatre.

Fisrt and second of E.S.O, felt the fear watching Vampires!!!!!

4th of E.S.O and 1st of Bachillerato learnt about memories and how to remember friends, dates.....


Hello again and welcome to 2015.

Here you are some of the news about English all the activities related to it;

On 14th January, our Activa students had The Cambridge Workshop